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Tuesday 23 October 2007

Throwing caution to the wind?

I've had my first e-bay experience today and it's not been a good one. I bid for some motorbike leathers and was pipped at the post at the last minute. Perhaps my cautious (some might say 'tight fisted') nature was my undoing. My natural inclination is to be cautious; I'm not natually bold and confident. I offered a couple of pounds more than the last offer, but another bidder snatched the prize from my hand just as the deadline arrived.
Rather than trying to sneak in with a bid just slightly above the competition, should I have gone in with a big bid and blasted the others out of sight? I don't know, but the result is that I feel disappointed and cheated that someone else got what I wanted - especially when I discovered the winning bid was an absolute steal and well within the price I would have been happy to pay.

There's a time for careful consideration - but, just like e-bay, there's often a time-out limit. It's got me wondering - what else in life we might miss out on, simply by not having the courage to step out and claim it?

I'm off to Brazil this evening and then on to Peru to check out what's been happening with the recovery efforts after the terrible earthquake. We have been blessed with a very positive response to the international appeal for funds to help. We will be meeting with civic leaders, government officals and UN personnel. Many of the big agencies who arrived shortly after the quake have left already. It's down to folks like The Salvation Army to stand alongside the impacted communities. In our meetings over the next few days I'm relying on Him to bless me with wisdom and 'sensible boldness!' I'll let you know how I get on.

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