I'm told that it's good to share. There's nothing startling here, just a few random thoughts and insights into my little world. If you've visited this site deliberately - thanks for coming. If you've stumbled upon it then I hope you find something of interest. Welcome to my world!

Saturday 12 January 2008

Further to yesterday's posting, after what seemed like a mammoth journey, I landed at Sydney airport, Australia, tonight at about 8pm. The airport was very swish and welcoming, but I was immediately hit by the elaborate steps taken by the Australian government to protect their country and its' environment. It seems that virtually everything is banned from being allowed in! In fact, I'm amazed they let me in!
Not long before landing we had been given fruit on the plane - but it had to be disposed of in the 'quarantine' bin when we stepped off the plane. No fruit, plants or food in general allowed into Australia.
But even more strangely, there were signs everywhere saying that dirty sports shoes or golf clubs with soil on must also be quarantined. Talk about being careful, eh?
Whilst it might seem a pain (and we are still waiting to learn if our 'soup, soap and salvation' will be released to us for our training course!) it is interesting to see how carefully this country guards and protects itself from contamination. Every step is taken to ensure that nothing which might corrupt or harm is allowed in.
Wonder if there's not a lesson for us in that, too? The little habit, the relaxing of rules held dear, the unguarded action - how easily something conserded inappropirate becomes the norm and takes hold in our lives. It's easy to weaken but the Holy Spirit is surely a more effective protector than and customs or immigration section and stands ready to help us. As the SA song (Soldiers of Christ, arise)says,
Leave no unguarded place,
No weakness of the soul;
Take every virtue, every grace,
And fortify the whole.
To keep your armor bright
Attend with constant care,
Still walking in your captain's sight
And watching unto prayer.

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