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Sunday, 6 July 2014

Estonia Region summer campaign - day 5

(Please note that all today's photos were taken by Yura Pyld - thanks, Yura)


Glorious sunshine greeted us as we woke for the final day of the Songster’s tour. Cases were packed and loaded into the minibus and songsters made their final public transport journey towards Kopli corps for breakfast.

The breakfast and the break between meal and meeting was quite an emotional time. Souvenirs and thanks were exchanged – including words of tribute and chocolates from Territorial leaders Colonels Johnny and Eva Kleman. The realisation that months of planning and preparation were reaching such a fantastic and fruitful culmination got the better of more than a few emotions. 
After 4 incredibly demanding days, tiredness would have been quite natural – but Sunday worship was very evidently the climax of the tour and the brigade gathered in the upstairs children’s room for prayers with a spirit of anticipation.

The corps hall had been completely rearranged to accommodate the presence of the songsters, and it was particularly nice for the songsters to walk into the hall to be greeted by residents from Hope House - who had worked so tirelessy to ensure the success of the Paljassaare music festival - and a group of 11 who had travelled over 200 kms from Narva to participate in the Regional meeting.

When Ced introduced guests, a number of new soldiers from Narva (only sworn in 3 weeks previously) stood to be warmly congratulated as the Estonia Region’s newest soldiers.

Major Liz Chape had prepared a wonderful and perfectly apt act of worship. Full of variety, interest and challenge this was definitely a worship service and not a final concert. The African praise section was greeted as enthusiastically as ever and a highlight of the meeting for many was Craig’s mature and honest testimony – delivered via translation from Evelin (Estonian) and Anna (Russian) as if he was a practiced speaker in such settings! Well done, Craig!
The very small corps band was more than doubled in size as songsters supported the corps band members – and the singing, in 3 languages simultaneously, was noticeably so much more enthusiastic than usual. Having 20+ songsters singing along probably helped, too!

During the prayer time LIz invited open prayer and it was wonderful to hear prayers spoken in English, Estonian, Swedish, Shona and Russian. A reminder that our international Army has One Army, One Mission, One Message!

After Liz’s presentation of the Word and the Old
Testament parable of the Potter, the appeal was made and invitation given – and it was wonderful to see a large number step forward to make spiritual commitments at the mercy seat. It was particularly nice to see some of the Estonian officers kneeling alongside soldiers and corps members. Lloyd – who had such an enthusiastic witness at every open air meeting – moved around the congregation taking materials to those who wished to make decisions as they remained in their places.

After the meeting, the hall was quickly rearranged to accommodate everyone who had attended around dining tables. The songsters had often wondered whether the tour was a musical or gastronomic one, and another superb meal was presented. Everyone present in the meeting enjoyed fellowship and food.

As the congregation left for their homes the hall was transformed into a changing room as songsters prepared for the return journey.  As bulging cases were squeezed shut it appeared that more than a few miracles were taking place. How Doreen managed to close her case will remain forever one of the tour’s greatest mysteries!
Ced, Lyn and Evelin travelled to the airport to say a really fond farewell – and hugs and kisses from everyone seemed a perfect way to end what has been a perfect tour and a wonderful Summer campaign.

The Estonia Region will remain forever in the debt of the Portsmouth Citadel songsters for a fantastic and life-changing 5 days. Friendships have been forged and spiritual commitments made. Our prayer is that this will be the start of an emerging relationship and that opportunities to renew the friendship will be found in future day.

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