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Saturday 29 March 2014

Surprise, surprise!

Forget Holly Willoughby, I am old enough to remember 'Surprise, surprise' when it was presented by Cilla Black. People found themselves sitting in the audience next to family members they had long ago lost contact with, or learning that their actions had caused an unknown but life-changing impact on someone else. They invariably left in tears, overwhelmed by new discoveries.

This week we gathered for our March 'Ready for mission' day. The day was hosted at Johvi by Yehven and Arina and it was good for some of our leaders to visit the corps for the first time and see the radio studio from which Arina broadcasts for Family Radio.

During the afternoon we had asked a couple of leaders to update us on new activities -
Johvi 'Project Planet' - new mother and baby group
programmes that have recently started. It was wonderful to hear Arina share of the new mothers and baby group now running at Johvi. She felt led to start a small group - she decided that 5 mums was the optimum number - so that they could really build close relationships. After advertising on the radio, 5 mums now come. If more are interested then new groups will start (a bit like the house group multiplication principle). David then told us about the new sport ministry programme at Tartu. Last week 10 people attended. Lyn and I met two of the guys last Sunday when we visited the corps. Each sport club concludes with devotions - and it is wonderful that people are already making the transition into the corps worshipping community.

Narva corps leaders Captains Mihail and Ludmila
The 'surprise, surprise' moment came after Ludmila shared us about the relationship that Narva has with Tootukase (the unemployment office). We had asked her to describe how long term unemployed people now engage in a voluntary programme at the corps. When she finished sharing the benefits of this partnership, she asked if she could share something else. She described how, after learning about baby song at the last Ready for Mission day she had gone back to the corps and discussed it with corps members. A babysong group was started and already 12 mums with almost 20 children are regularly attending! Wow! We had no idea - it was a complete but wonderful surprise.

It was a real joy to hear leaders sharing encouraging comments and rejoicing in successful ministry. When day to day life is often focused on ensuring that the financial resources are somehow teased out and juggled to meet demands, it was so encouraging to be reminded that we are about finding ways to build relationships, supporting young families and introducing people to Jesus. We thank God for this week's 'Surprise, surprise!' moment.

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