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Saturday, 8 February 2014

Shaping the future

A photo posted on Facebook caught my eye this week. It was posted by Peter, an Australian Salvation Army officer, and showed him with his parents and his children.  Three generations of family together. (I am not going to embarrass him by reproducing the photo here!). I have never met Peter, but it grabbed my attention because the 'grandfather' in the picture grew up in my home corps and was the YP bandleader when I was a teenager. Some years after that he and his wife emigrated to Australia and the family grew up there.
The text accompanying the photo really made me think. The officer posting the pic referred to his English roots but mentioned that he knew little about his UK family or their English history.

I dropped Peter a line and shared that his grandmother was one of those 'aunties' that many young people have when growing up in the 'Army'. A friend of my grandma, she didn't wear SA uniform, but she always encouraged me and showed an interest in me. I can picture her now sitting each Sunday on the 2nd row from the back of the hall. When I became the bandmaster at the rather young age of 21 she would regularly compliment the band. Small comments but positive signs to nurture me in my development and help me on my way.

As a teenager I traveled to London every Saturday for music studies at the London College of Music. I was a really keen brass player and had plans to become a military bandsman when I left school.
At the time I didn't really know Peter's dad, he wasn't around at the corps as he was away serving in the Navy. When he returned to the corps I found myself chatting with him in the band room one Sunday. He asked what my career plans were. When I told him of my hopes for a military career he shared candidly about the challenges that military life would present to a young Salvationist and Christian. He testified to the difficulties he had experienced in maintaining his Christian and Salvationist principles. He urged me to think carefully.

His advice had a profound impact on me and I had a complete rethink. I never joined up but followed a different path. I had no idea what route life would take but for almost 30 years I have been privileged to serve as a Salvation Army officer. On the many occasions when I have been invited to share my life story (testimony) I recall that band room conversation - it was a pivotal moment in my life. But whilst it was so impactful for me, I doubt Peter's dad has any memory of it.  It was just a throwaway chat with a young lad - but it shaped my future.

Our territory has launched its 125th anniversary theme - 'We create future now'. Like most territories I guess this will involve planning big events and special campaigns. Materials will be produced and many hours will be invested by planning groups to look at strategy and goals. We look forward with anticipation to sharing in some exciting events. But a Facebook photo from the other side of the world reminded me this week that we also create future in the everyday conversations, those brief moments we grab to show an interest in someone, to encourage them and thank them or share something of life's experience. Conversely, I also know of many of my generation who no longer serve in our ranks because of a thoughtless comment, an unwise criticism, a harsh reaction to a perceived mistake.
How true it is that 'We create future now'. I thank God for those who shaped (and continue to shape) my future in a positive way. My hope and prayer is that God might grant us each the wisdom and sensitivity to say the right things at the right time - the word in season as scripture refers to it - and make the right decisions so that future is created and shaped for the better.

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